Created April 2007

Revised August 22, 2010

Revised 5.15.2015


 The Risk Management policy of the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association includes the provisions that follow and shall apply to all fraternity and sorority entities and all levels of fraternity and sorority membership. If an organization’s inter/national office requires additional risk management procedures, those should also be followed. Appeals and revisions to this document are subject to a majority vote by the fraternity presidents and sorority council delegates.

 All chapters are responsible for the knowledge of their inter/national headquarter/chapter bylaws pertaining to social policy. Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic are not responsible for violations made to national bylaws that pertain to risk management. 


1.     All chapters must abide by Ohio state law with regards to alcohol and drugs.

2.     All chapters must adhere to the national bylaws of their inter/national organization in regards to alcohol and drugs.

3.     The possession, sale, use, or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on chapter premises, or during a council, fraternity, or sorority event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the organization, or at any events an observer would associate with the organization must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, county, city, and the Student Code of Conduct at Miami University, and must comply with either the BYOB or third party vendor guidelines.

4.     Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased through or with council or chapter funds, nor may the purchase of the same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the council or chapter. The purchase and/or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverages, for example, kegs or cases, are prohibited. This includes the prohibition of the purchase of alcohol--examples include but are not limited to drink specials, reduced prices for alcohol or an open bar--by organizations or individuals or groups acting on behalf of an organization as part of a rental or catering agreement with a third party vendor.

5.     OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the chapter(s), without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, are prohibited.

6.     No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e. those under legal drinking age).

7.     The possession, sale, or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on chapter premises, during a chapter or council event, or at any event that an observer would associate with the chapter or council is strictly prohibited.

8.     No chapter may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization, or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold, or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at, or on the property of a tavern as defined above for the purposes or fundraising. A chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list.

9.     No chapter may co-sponsor, co-finance, attend, and/or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased or subsidized by any of the host chapters, councils or other sponsoring organizations.

10.   All recruitment activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcohol. No recruitment activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with an alcohol distributor or tavern, as defined in this policy, where alcohol is present.

11.   No member or new member shall permit, tolerate, encourage, or participate in “drinking games” at any chapter or council event or any event that an observer would associate with the chapter or council.

12.   No alcohol shall be present at any new member program, activity, or ritual of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with Bid Night, big brother or big sister revelation night, and initiation.



1.     No chapter, colony, student, or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Hazing activities are defined as:

“Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity or sorority premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter premises; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual, or policy, or the regulations and policies of Miami University and Ohio state law.” 


1.     No fraternity, sorority, or council will tolerate nor condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This is to include any actions that are demeaning to women or men, such as verbal harassment. The chapters and councils will not tolerate sexual assault in any form.


1.     All chapter houses and suites must meet all local fire and health codes and standards.

2.     All chapters must have emergency numbers for fire, police, and ambulance posted by common phones and in other locations, and should have posed evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.

3.     All chapters should comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities.

4.     The possession and/or use of firearms or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house or suite are expressly forbidden.


1.     Each fraternity and sorority shall annually instruct its members, new members, and alumni in the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy. The policy will be available to all student and alumni members every year, and will be posted on the websites of both the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association.

2.     All fraternity and sorority new members will be required to complete an alcohol education program, as determined by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Executive Councils on an annual basis.

3.     Chapter Social and Risk Management Chairs will also attend an annual training program, as determined by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association, where they will be instructed in the specifics of this policy. 

4.     Non-compliance will be considered a violation of this policy.


1.     Regardless of location, an event where alcohol is present may be defined as a chapter event if any of the following occur:

a.      It is registered through the IFC/Panhellenic Council Office

b.     It can be associated with a specific chapter (or chapters) by a reasonable outside observer. 

c.      Chapter members took part in the coordination of the event for the benefit of other members of the chapter. 

d.     The event is sponsored, publicized, financed, and/or endorsed by the chapter. 

2.     Every chapter event must be registered with their respective council through the outlined process in the annual risk management training. Violations of this policy are addressed in Appendix E. 

3.     Every event must be registered seven (7) days prior to the day of the event. VP of Conduct/VP Standards holds discretion to approve events under the seven (7) day limit. *Chapter presidents and/or advisors must be knowledgeable of all alcoholic events. 

4.     Out of town, overnight chapter events where alcohol may be present must be registered. A guest list and travel itinerary, including lodging location(s) is required. 

5.     A guest list containing the names of all persons expected to be at an event with alcohol must accompany any Event Registration Form. The guest list should include:

a.      Any member of the chapter(s) sponsoring the event who plan to attend.

b.     Any non-member of a sponsor chapter who plans to attend.

c.      A list of all liaisons, fitting the criteria outlined in Appendix D, Section3. 

d.     Guest lists and sober monitor confirmation must be submitted 2 days prior to the event. 

6.     Formally registered parties by fraternity or sorority members during the week (Monday at 5:00pm to Thursday at 5:00pm) are limited to one event during this period per week. This may not include formally registered non-alcoholic events. These must be submitted seven (7) days in advance and include a guest list and registered per this policy. Events including alcohol between Thursdays at 5:00pm to Sunday at 5:00pm are not limited in occurrence, but must be registered per the risk management policy. Activities governed by this policy are characterized by one or more of the following: 

a.      Alcohol is present. 

b.     Amplified music by a DJ or live band.

c.      The event lasts beyond 10:00pm.

*This requirement is not intended to discourage events without alcohol, which are supportive of the following:

a.      The academic mission (e.g., scholarship dinners, educational workshops, speakers).

b.     Community service (e.g., service events, philanthropy events).

c.      Chapter development (e.g., CAP events, non-alcoholic events, brother and sisterhood events). 

d.     Greek community development (e.g. community wide programing). 

*Sunday form 5:00pm to Monday at 5:00pm there are no alcoholic events permitted. 

7.     If the event is not registered following these guidelines expect for special circumstances determined by the VP of Conduct/VP of Standards, the event will be cancelled by the VP of Conduct/VP of Standards. 

8.     No Party Dates are defined as “dates in which events may not include alcohol.”

9.     No Party Dates will be announced the semester prior by the VP of Conduct/VP of Standards and given out no less than four (4) months in advance and IFC and Panhellenic reserve the right to add dates, if they see fit.

10.   Unregistered events will be referred to the VP of Conduct/Standards or Judicial Board. This includes events occurring on no party dates, violations of IFC/Panhellenic sanctions, University sanctions, and non-alcoholic events that become events with alcohol. 



1.     When events are held at third party establishments, the establishment must possess a license for the sale and distribution of alcohol and must agree to comply with a third-party vendor agreement, as determined by the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils. A copy of the third part vendor agreement must be submitted with the event planning form.

2.     When hosting a social function at an off-campus bar, restaurant, or other provider, chapter Executive Board members must ensure that an employee of that establishment is checking each member for valid identification and marking those of legal age appropriately.

3.     All events must have a minimum of one (1) liaison per forty (40) persons (including members and guests). Liaisons must comply with guidelines outlined in Appendix D, Section 3.

4.     The hosting chapter(s) is responsible for the actions of both members and guests at any event.

5.     Contact/agreements with third party vendors cannot include drink specials. This is considered purchasing alcohol with chapter funds and is prohibited.



1.     All in-house events must be BYOB. The purchase or use of bulk quantity or common sources of alcoholic beverages (e.g., kegs, cases, jungle juice, or any variation there of) is prohibited. They must adhere to all of the above rick management guidelines. 

2.     All in-house events must follow inter/national bylaws.

3.     No in-house event may be co-sponsored by more than two chapters.

4.     All guests must enter from a single entrance.

5.     There must be a guest list present that consists of all fraternity members as well as their dates and any non-Miami University affiliated students. 

6.     All in-house events must have at least one (1) sober liaison for every forty (40) guests. They must be equally distributed between sponsoring chapters. One liaison from each chapter must be at the door checking ID’s throughout the duration of the event function. Liaisons must comply with guidelines outlined in Appendix D, Section 3. 

7.     The host(s) must secure the services of at least two (2) insured and bonded security officers. 

8.     Alcohol must be distributed from an indoor, central location within the common areas of the house by a licensed bartender who is not a member of a hosting chapter. Members bringing alcohol to the function must bring it to the central distribution area and check it in with the servers as soon as they have been issued the proper drink ticket at the entrance. To obtain more drinks the member must present their drink ticket to the server.

9.     Security officers and licensed bartenders are not required for Family Weekend, Mom’s/Dad’s Weekend events where guests are chapter and family members. 

10.   Alumni events, such as Homecoming, intended solely for alumni and chapter members, only require one (1) insured and bonded security guard and one (1) licensed bartender. 

11.   Wristbands are the only acceptable method of identifying students of legal drinking age. Students 21 years of age or older must present proper identification at the event entrance in order to obtain a wristband. Wristbands must be purchased prior to the event and must be marked with chapter identification. 

12.   As soon as a member arrives with alcohol and it have been established that the person is of legal drinking age and has obtained a wristband, one of the event’s liaisons must fill out a drink card with the person’s name and the amount, brand, and type of alcohol. 

13.   Alcoholic beverages are limited to single serving containers. 

14.   All functions must provide large quantities of easily accessible, preferably non-salty food (brownies, bread, etc.) and alternative alcohol- free beverages. 

15.   Alcohol distribution must end one hour prior to the end of the event, or at 1 AM, whichever is earlier. Events must end by 2 AM. 

16.   When hosting an outdoor event, all areas surrounding the annex house, and neighborhood shall be cleaned of litter and debris no later than 9AM the day following an event. *This is in compliance with the City of Oxford rules.



1.     All events must have a minimum of one (1) sober liaison per forty (40) persons (including members and guests). Liaisons must comply with guidelines outlined in Appendix D, Section 3.

2.     The host(s) must secure the services of at least two sworn police officers or licensed and bonded security officers. These officers must be from the list provided by IFC/Panhellenic. 

a.      Minimums of two (2) security personnel are required for any event. 

3.     The President and Social Chairperson of the host fraternity and/or sorority will serve as the primary points of contact between chapters and the police officers/security and will remain sober throughout the event. If unable to attend the event, the President or Social Chairperson may designate an alternate from the chapter executive board. 

4.     Busses must depart from and return to Shriver Center, McGuffey Hall or Millet Hall. Be aware that Miami University Police will be aware of these departures and will respond to violations of the law if observed. 

5.     In the event that a chapter is providing transportation for members and/or guests, there must be two liaisons on each transportation vehicle from each chapter. Police or security officers and at least one liaison must supervise the loading of the bus and check in riders using the guest list. 

6.     Liaisons will conduct vehicle inspections and complete the transportation contract. These inspections will occur before the transportation leaves the campus and when it returns. Completed contracts are due to the IFC and Panhellenic office on the next business day after the event. 

7.     At least two (2) liaisons must ride on EACH bus. If there is a police or security officer on the bus, a minimum of one liaison is required on that bus. 

a.      Because of the 1/40 sober liaison requirement, for off campus transportation events if a chapter has less that two (2) sober liaisons per bus, they are required to add to their number of liaisons to ensure that there are at least two (2) liaisons per bus. 

8.     There will be only one monitored entry and monitored exit to the event. The entry will be monitored at all times by their designated fraternity/sorority liaisons and one police or security officer to control admittance to the event. Guest lists will be re-checked at the entrance to the event. 

9.     All event attendees who are transported to the event via chapter-sponsored transportation must return via chapter-sponsored transportation. Check-in of all attendees will occurs when the bus departs and final guest list will be turned in to the IFC/Panhellenic office on the next business day after the event. 

10.   In the event that a chapter member(s) and/or guests are to be sent home from the event due to poor behavior and representation of values, they are required to pay for their taxi back to Oxford. 

11.   Only food and water purchased and secured by the chapter is allowed on the bus, unless prohibited by the bus company policy. Absolutely no other beverages or beverage containers may be brought onto the bus. 



Because honor is at the core of all fraternal organization, it is essential that each chapter be responsible for monitoring its own events. Failure to properly monitor events will result in penalties for the individual officers or members as well as the entire chapter. The Interfraternity Council VP of Conduct and Panhellenic VP of Standards will oversee the monitoring and enforcing of the “Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy.” 

1.     The chapter President, Risk Manager, and Social Chairman of each organization are responsible for seeing that chapter events are in compliance with the Risk Management Policy. Co-sponsoring fraternities and sororities share equal responsibility and liability for Risk Management Policy violations. 

2.     Two members of the IFC Conduct board will visit all social functions registered on fraternity property at least two times during the registered time of the event. Conduct board members will check the event to make sure that it is in compliance with Appendix B of the Risk Management Policy. This will be accomplished by filling out the in-house event checklist for each in house event. 

3.     All liaisons are expected to:

a.      Be active, initiated members of the organization. 

b.     Be listed on the official roster on file with the Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Leadership. 

c.      Liaison team must be made up of a minimum of one (1) sophomore, one (1) junior, and one (1) senior. 

d.     Liaisons may not be new members of the chapter(s).

e.      Attend a training sponsored by IFC and Panhellenic or have chapter lead sober liaison training (instructions given by IFC and Panhellenic) at the beginning of each semester. Expectations will include: 

                                               i.     Actively monitor the event.

                                              ii.     Remain the same state throughout the entire durations of the event. 

                                            iii.     Not consume alcoholic beverages before or during the event. 

4.     Violation(s) of the Risk Management Policy will be reported to the chapter President of the group(s) hosting the function at the time the violation is discovered. A report of the violation(s) shall be made to the IFC VP of Conduct and the Panhellenic VP of Standards following the alleged infraction to determine the need for further action. The respective headquarters staff of each chapter involved will be properly notified by the appropriate IFC and Panhellenic representatives if/when the need for further action is determined. 

5.     IFC and/or Panhellenic representatives will be doing party checks to ensure that all rules are being followed. The President/Risk Manager/Social Chair/Designated Sober Liaison must sign and date/time the sheet before the IFC/Panhellenic representative leaves. This is for both social events uptown and at annex houses. 



1.     Due to the complexity and variety of circumstances that lead to alleged violations of the Risk Management Policy, cases are heard and reviewed by the IFC or Panhellenic Judicial Board/ VP of Conduct/Standards on a case-by-case basis. 

2.     There is no minimum sanction and each will be determined on a case-by-case basis, as the judicial board/ VP of Conduct/Standards deem appropriate. Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to the following: 

a.      Complete restitution of property for any damage incurred. 

b.     Require the responsible party to do community service or work as defined by the VP of Conduct/Standards or Judicial Board. 

c.      Letter of reprimand to be send to the responsible chapter, with copies sent to the accusing party, chapter advisor, Dean of Students, Inter/National Headquarters, and/or any other party deemed necessary by the VP of Conduct/Standards or Judicial Board. 

d.     Sponsoring various programs pertinent to the violation(s). This programming is directed as a teaching tool and should be specifically planned and designed toward that successful outcome. 

e.      Host a risk management-training program to educate the members of the chapter on the pertaining topic. A specified percentage of the chapter members, determined by the VP of Conduct/Standards or Judicial Board, are required to be in attendance. 

f.      If it applies, the chapter’s executive board must meet with the appropriate council executive officer to discuss the violation, future prevention methods, the education of the chapter’s members and develop a guided action plan. 

g.     A chapter must conduct a membership review with their advisor and/or inter/national headquarters. 

h.     Social Probation- indicates that the behavior has resulted in a sanction close to social suspension. It is for a specified period of time and may include further restrictions. Any violations sustained during social probation could result in social suspension. 

i.       Social Suspension- no social function with another organization(s) or individually for a specified period of time. 

j.       Intramural Suspension- no recognized participation in intramural sports under a Greek name. 

k.     Suspension- loss of membership in the council for a specified period of time. 

l.       Expulsion- permanent of temporary removal and loss of membership. 

m.    Other penalties deemed necessary by VP of Conduct/Standards or Judicial Board. 

Click here to download the Social Policy